Half Moon Bay Marina is on board

The weekend of Feb 27 2019, we have been at Half Moon Bay marina in Auckland at the invitation of the Bucklands Beach Yacht Club.

BBYC is a great facility for local boaties and the Family Fun Day was enthusiastically attended. The Auckland police boat crew came along with Deodar II and the Howick Volunteer Coastguard crew attended for the day.


A closer look at the bridge of Deodar II. 

The police crew were great to talk with and had some good advice and stories to share. 

The America's Cup arrived in time for plenty of selfies to be taken. The crew gave a good talk on what it's like to take part in the competition, how their preparation is going and what they expect when training and sailing on the AC75 boats.

The BoatSecure stall looking good and lot of useful conversations had. BoatSecure has Half Moon Bay Marina as well as the nearby Tamaki river completed covered with our system.

Thanks again to BBYC for inviting us to take part. With over 80 new members signing up on the day it was a great success for everyone involved.


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